Tattoos for women are unique and distinctively different than tattoos for men. Here are the characteristics you should look for when researching tattoos for women.
Beautiful and Bold.
My favorite tattoos for women are one's which are both beautiful and bold. Tattoos that are visually striking yet pretty at the same time. The extreme example of this are dragon tattoos. These can be very beautiful, yet bold and powerful at the same time. And on women, they are very sexy. But there are many other designs which fit the beautiful and bold mold. Research a good tattoo gallery and see all the great tattoos that are available for women.
Feminine Tattoo.
There are many, many, many feminine tattoo designs to
choose from. So don't feel limited by the plethora of male designs out there; you'll be pleasantly surprised at the number of flower designs, butterfly designs, fairy designs, and others that are available. But don't be shy to look at the many so called male designs available. Some can be great to be used for female tattoos.
Small Size
Many women prefer smaller tattoos, so whatever design you have in mind make sure it will be able to be done in a small size if that is what your prefer. Now, having said that, many of my girlfriends have gotten small tattoos, only to later wish that they would have chosen a larger size! This is quite common, being conservative at first, then later realizing bigger would've been better. So while small is generally preferred, plan on going up a notch in size and see how that looks.
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